
Bantiger Uhr

About the brand

Bantiger Uhr stands for regionality, sustainability and sees life as an adventure.

High-quality materials are used, such as the grade 5 titanium case, which is known for its high strength, low density, biocompatibility and corrosion resistance.

The name of the brand refers to the Bantiger, a mountain (947 m above sea level) in the canton of Bern in Switzerland. The peak is located in the territory of the municipality of Bolligen. From the Bantiger – almost a hundred meters higher than the Bernese local mountain Gurten – you have a panoramic view with a view of the Bernese Alps and the Jura.


locally and sustainably produced watches

The timepieces of Bantiger Uhr are produced in Switzerland to avoid long transport routes and support the regional economy. Switzerland’s world-leading expertise in the watch industry also flows into the creation and production of the watches.

Sustainability and animal protection are important to us. For this reason, no mother-of-pearl or exotic types of leather such as alligator or snakeskin are used. Wherever possible, responsible and sustainable solutions are sought in production.

A concrete example of our commitment to sustainability is the use of titanium. Part of this precious material comes from recycled sources and each piece is moulded using 100% renewable energy. In this way, we not only emphasise the exceptional quality of titanium, but also work to reduce our environmental impact.

Another example is our natural brown sturgeon leather bracelet. It can proudly claim to be a pure product from the canton of Bern.

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Our natural brown sturgeon leather bracelet can proudly claim to be a pure product from the canton of Bern. Sturgeon farming in the Tropical House in Frutigen forms the foundation of the bracelet. The sturgeon skins that fall off from their caviar production are processed into unique Swiss fish leather at the Zeller tannery in Steffisburg. This leather is used in Sabina Brägger’s studio to make the leather bracelets for Bantiger Uhr. Sturgeon leather is extremely durable and robust! In addition, the leather is water-resistant – so it can be worn in the shower and during sports. Please find more information about the product and the project here: Sabrina Brägger – swiss materials, design & products

Life is an adventure

According to my understanding, life is an adventure. That’s how I get most out of it!

Paulo Coelho once said, “One day you’ll wake up and you won’t have time for the things you wanted to do. Do them now.” So that’s what I did: I created my own watch brand.

The vision of seeing life as an adventure is something I also want to share with my clients. The watches I create will accompany people on their individual life adventure and remind them that the only way to have time is to take time. Enjoy it!

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Our Logo

Logo & zytglogge

One of the main tourist attractions in Bern is the clock tower, or Zytglogge. The tower itself was part of the original city walls at the beginning of the 13th century. The great bell was cast in 1405. The clock is more recent, but it is nevertheless one of the oldest town clocks in Switzerland: its mechanism dates back to 1530. The exterior appearance of the tower is dominated by the elements of the late Baroque reconstruction. The large clock face is framed by a mural by Viktor Surbeck from 1930. The mural is supposed to represent the beginning of time. The hour strike, both tower clocks, the figure clock and the astronomical clock are driven by a common mechanism. The calendar clock shows the time of day, days of the week and month, the month itself, as well as zodiacs and moon phases. This venerable clock not only inspired Albert Einstein regarding his theory of relativity, but also myself in creating the logo for Bantiger Uhr.

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